Vision or Roadmap Based Robot Motion Planning
Mentor: Dr .Amitabha Mukerjeee,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,IIT Kanpur
SURGE|May 2014-July 2014
- Devised an algorithm to automate the motion and plan the trajectory of CRS Robotic arm using computer
vision, image processing and Gaussian models
- Implemented Gaussian Process Latent variable model and Gaussian process regression to figure out the
mapping between joint angles of the robotic arm and corresponding images for various configurations
for trajectory planning
- Recovered the joint angles of the robotic arm from the corresponding images with about 99.5% accuracy
and generated a smooth trajectory between unknown robot configurations with solution sufficiently close
to ground truth solution
- [project abstract][project report] [project presentation]
Co-founder at
January 2014-Present
- Founded a web based solution to enable people to access career advice easily and efficiently from au-
thentic advisors
- Developed an online client to establish secure and anonymous conversations between advisors and people
[link to the website]
City Watch, Crowd Source Android Application
Android Application | December 2014
- Conceptualized a crowd source solution to address local infrastructural issues in the city and report
problems to the municipal government for immediate consideration
- Developed an Android Application using web standards(HTML,CSS,JavaScript,PHP) through Intel XDK
- [Google Play URL for the app]
My Impress, Cloud Based Presentation Software
Web Application | May 2014-June 2014
- Designed an online platform to create presentations with cloud support and improved presentation tran-
sition effects
- Utilized Impress.js framework and Web standards(JavaScript,PHP,MYSQL)to construct an editing and
hosting platform
Devised a user interface for Impress.js presentations that provided a powerful tool to add 3-D scale, zoom
and rotate features which distinguished them from standard PowerPoint presentations
[youtube link to the video]